
Saturday Aug 10th

8 am

In geometry the foundational concepts: the point, the line, the ray, in fact all non 3 dimensional realities are conceptual, therefore, not in a sense, real. So why all the fuss about the big bang coming from “no thing”. Geometry works as a bridge translating intangible consciousness with tangible materialism. Consider: if the mind’s constructs and physical reality are incompatible then in the words of Solomon ” all is vanity and grasping for the wind”.

Get out your crayons.

1 – Draw a point

2 – Draw a sphere with a surface area of the fraction 1/infinity

Neither is possible but both are conceptually foundational,

identical in form while extreme in concept.

So lets try again.

1 – Draw a circle any size

2 – Draw its relative diameter, that now is all three: a line segment, a ray and a line if the circle is both finite and infinite in its possibilities.

You have now redrawn the critical strip and line while encapsulating an infinity that escapes both the classical (materialistic) X Y plane on all sides and the complex plane (illustrated by the zeta function) at the infinite extremes of the +/- (imaginary) Y axis.

Welcome to the possibilities awakened by this world view.

Let’s do the impossible.

learn more At Dan's Demo Table: Photosynthesis is foundational to life on Earth

9:30 am

Mass spectrometric examination of volatiles emitted upon laser defoliation of graphite in the first ten days of September 1985 at Rice University led to discovery of an exceptionally stable volatile freak never-before encountered molecule consisting of only 60 carbon atoms. The discovery arose from three molecular spectroscopists seeking to confirm the existence of carbon molecules in outer space. The glob of 60 carbon atoms was theorized to be spherical of a truncated icosahedron 3D geometry and was reported within the year in the prestigious Nature journal. The nanometer diameter molecule caught the imagination of the world as a nano-sized soccer ball, thus “Buckyball,” short for Buckminsterfullerene named after the recently deceased iconic geodesic dome enthusiast architect, Richard Buckminster Fuller.

Most unfortunate was architectural considerations overwhelming truly elucidating organic chemistry principles developed by August Kekulé 150 years ago regarding benzene that introduced the new bonding concept of aromaticity responsible for the planarity seen in benzene and the 2D graphite allotrope of carbon. The newly discovered fullerene allotrope of carbon and its fullerenic bonding nature is a 3D version of aromaticity with both allotropes involving habitats for free-roaming or delocalized electrons that are responsible for their observed exceptional thermodynamic stabilities. A new allotrope of carbon of even greater electron delocalization and thermodynamic stability was recently patented known as crossene (US 11,718,530).

Tom's Power Point in PDF

Just click on the image below and you can download the slides from Tom’s presentation

Thomas F. Bailey Email:

11 am

Mathematical-Physics and Computer Science interdisciplinary researcher, developing Quantum Information Dynamics as the new paradigm in science.

Specialties: Mathematics (Operator theory, differential geometry, homological algebra and category theory, deformation theory);

Mathematical-Physics (TQFTs, QFT and renormalization, QID);

Computer Science (analyst-programmer, principal scientist III, project manager; computer standards, CAD, CAM, CAE etc.)

1 pm

Nikola Tesla, the electrician, has invented an apparatus with which he sys it is possible to cure any organic disease including consumption.  Hereafter nobody need die except  as the result of old age or accident, for the invention of Mr. Tesla will be within reach of everybody, inasmuch as the inventor will be says, present the world within the fruit of labor.

2:30 pm

The Bedini motor patented by John Bedini has been around for many years with thousands, possibly millions of replications. Now we need to go beyond the toy stage and make a useful tool. I will show the general construction of a Bedini motor, how it works, demonstrate its operation, demonstrate processes to increase the basic operation, and demonstrate advanced extraction of energy from the environment that also demonstrates Tesla’s one wire energy process. Demonstrations include:

1. Four simple components of the Bedini circuit.

2. The basic operation of the Bedini motor.

3. Increase the motor efficiency and output.

4. Energy flow from the environment.

5. Batteries charging by the Bedini motor.

6. Tesla’s One Wire energy process.

7. How to multiply the energy output.

Charge Li-ion battery banks, non-rechargeable alkaline batteries, rechargeable batteries, car batteries and more! I want to show that anyone can understand, build, and use this valuable technology with hand tools and a soldering iron in their own backyard for just a few dollars!!!


4 pm

There is a nearly universal consensus that inex-haustible fusion energy will power out future. Deu-terium fusion fuel from water is cheap with 10 mg of deuterium equal to a barrel of oil! The radiation is entirely contained within the reactor and ceases when the reactor is turned off. The reactor does’t emit CO2 or other pollutants and does not produce nuclear waste requiring remediation. Our objective is to revolutionize power generation with compact, inexpensive thermonuclear fusion reactors.

Nuclear fusion does not have to cost billions and require decades to develop. Conventional approaches to fusion are very difficult and very expensive using extremely hot plasma. Using magnetic confinement,  is created and kept in place using super-strong magnetic fields. With inertial  confinement, extremely hot plasma is created and kept in place by compressing a solid fusion target using super-strong lasers.

Our approach is different. We rely on the nature of collapsing bubbles for containment. We are ex-panding and collapsing nanobubbles in fluids using acoustic waves. Each bubble is a microscopic ther-monuclear reactor therefore we call our approach Microscopic Thermonuclear Fusion (MTF).  Each bubble generates a tiny amount of fusion. The trillions of bubbles pulsating a million times per second allows harvesting several kilowatts of thermal energy from one liter of working fluid!

5 pm Panel Speakers

6 to 6:50 pm

About Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, educator and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential.

From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies. He continues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into the new human story, and how the discoveries inform the policies of everyday life and the emerging world.

His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events. Gregg’s work has led to 15 film credits, 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages, and numerous awards including Walden Award for New Thought, the Illuminate Award for Conscious Visionaries, and Gregg is listed on the United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 10th consecutive year. He was a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established to honor “outstanding living individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.” He has presented his discoveries in over 34 countries on six continents, and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military.

Gregg is a member of scientific and visionary organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, the Institute of HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative, the Source of Synergy Evolutionary Leadership Circle and The Arlington Institute, as well as an original signatory of the 2017 Fuji Declaration, the international call to collectively catalyze a timely shift in the course of human history

7:00 pm

Internationally recognized futurist, John L. Petersen, presents the big-picture perspective of the extraordinary time in which we are living. Why are we surrounded by never-ending events that don’t make practical sense? Why all of the wars and killing now? What is this planet-wide effort to destroy the capability to grow and distribute food? Isn’t it obvious that humans need to eat?

These assaults on humanity are being augmented by unprecedented new technologies – like artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, genetic engineering and mind manipulation – for which we have no ‘operating framework’. The past provides no guidance about how to deal with what is headed this way.

Something bigger than all of us is happening. This is really unusual. We all sense it but can’t put our arms around it. Who’s driving all of this change? Certainly it is not just the results of random events that are unrelated to each other. The execution is impressively complex . . . and sophisticated. On one hand, they’re poisoning the soil, water, air and electromagnetic spectrum all at the same time that they’re attacking our social, economic, cultural systems. None of it benefits humanity from any rational point of view.

So who does it benefit . . . and what is their ultimate objective? Is this bigger than our planet? Perhaps we are pawns in an extraordinary, cosmic event that will give us all the opportunity to rapidly rise to become the “new human” that will populate a new world. That’s what it looks like from here.

There’s light at the end of this tunnel. Individual humans are expanding their awareness in profound, life-changing ways. We’re rapidly being exposed to new ideas about who we are, how this reality works, who else lives in the ‘neighborhood’ and what we have to do in order to surf this incomprehensible change into the emergent new world.

John’s big, integrated picture of what is in play will give you – perhaps for the first time – a coherent, internally consistent model of what humanity is experiencing right now . . . and more importantly, what’s coming our way and how we can prepare for it. There’s not much time. We have to move fast. But the future that is inbound is really quite extraordinary and presents an amazing opportunity for all of us.

7:50 to 8:15 pm

What’s Up! is a fortnightly program of no-holds-barred discussion between John Petersen and Gregg Braden about … anything and everything. It starts with whatever is on Gregg’s mind … and then goes wherever the conversation leads – everything from the down to earth to the way, way outer space — whatever is on John and Gregg’s minds.

You can be assured that listening in on the interaction between these two interesting thinkers is something that you won’t want to miss.

About Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, educator and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential.

From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies. He continues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into the new human story, and how the discoveries inform the policies of everyday life and the emerging world.

His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events. Gregg’s work has led to 15 film credits, 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages, and numerous awards including Walden Award for New Thought, the Illuminate Award for Conscious Visionaries, and Gregg is listed on the United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 10th consecutive year. He was a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established to honor “outstanding living individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.” He has presented his discoveries in over 34 countries on six continents, and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military.

Gregg is a member of scientific and visionary organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, the Institute of HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative, the Source of Synergy Evolutionary Leadership Circle and The Arlington Institute, as well as an original signatory of the 2017 Fuji Declaration, the international call to collectively catalyze a timely shift in the course of human history

8:30 pm

Evening Social,Networking Mixers: Throughout the conference, there may be scheduled networking mixers or social hours where attendees can gather in a relaxed atmosphere to exchange ideas, share experiences, and make new connections. These mixers often feature light refreshments and provide a casual environment for fostering professional relationships. Evening socials have food and bar to purchase drinks.